Collaborating with Git Workflows: Guest Talk at YorubaName Hackathon

This is a guest post by Adewale Abati (@Ace_KYD). He will be speaking at the YorubaName Hackathon on 8th April 2018

The Yorùbá Names Project is an example of awesome projects built on the back of community and collaborative work. There are multiple ways to leverage on building amazing products through open source and the GitHub platform.

On April 8th, I’ll be speaking at the Yorùbá Names Hackathon with other open source enthusiasts and discuss how we can leverage and improve the process to deliver even more awesome projects for our communities.

I’d be breaking down Git workflows using GitHub. A lot of us already use Git to track our code changes, we are already familiar with commit and push especially because we use them all the time in our personal projects.

However, when it comes to teamwork, more consistency is required across commit messages, branching strategies and a bunch of other tools you’d need to stay on top of the game over multiple people working on the same project.

There are several publicized Git workflows that may be a good fit for any team, and I look forward to discussing some of these workflow options with everyone.


YorubaName Hackathon is happening on April 8th, 2018, at HotelsNG: No 3, Birrel Avenue, off Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. It starts at 12 noon. Find the registration link here: