March 2018

Getting Ready for The Hackathon

The YorubaName Hackathon is almost 2 weeks away. In this post, I quickly share some things you can do as a developer to prepare for the up-coming event.

Installation Guide

The application consists of two separate applications. The YorubaName Website Application and the YorubaName Dashboard Application. The Website application powers the backend services for, while the Dashboard is the application through which lexicographers manage the entries in the dictionary.

Each application runs separately, have their code base live in separate repositories and have different software requirements.

For running and working on the YorubaName website application, you need to have the following installed

JDK 1.6+ (See installation guide)
MySQL (See installation guide)
Maven (See installation guide)

For running and working on the dashboard application, you need to have the following installed

Nodejs (See installation guide)
NPM (See installation guide)
Bower (See installation guide)
Grunt (See installation guide)

Architecture Guide

There are a couple of things you can do prior to the hackathon to get some understanding of the code base and how things tack together.

This includes:

Read the Contribution Guidelines for YorubaName Codebase.

Also, make sure to check the ReadMe for the website codebase and the ReadMe for the Dashboard. These contain essential information on how to install and run the application.

Another important thing to do in preparation for the hackathon is to watch the recorded webinar on how to get started working with the YorubaName codebase. This webinar shows how to install the required software, how to clone the codebase, and how to run both the website and dashboard application and have them interact with each other. Watching this video is highly recommended.

Last but not the least, if you have any question, please feel free to come along to our Gitter dev chat room and ask. I try my best to answer whatever questions you might have.

In case you are yet to register for the Hackathon, you can do so by following the registration link. Remember, the Hackathon is happening on April 8th, 2018, at HotelsNG: No 3, Birrel Avenue, off Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. It starts at 12 noon.

Yorùbá Tonemarking Workshop in Lagos

On Saturday, March 10, 2018, YorubaName held its first Yorùbá language tonemarking workshop at Capital Square in Lekki, Lagos. It was a four-hour interactive class designed to demystify the Yorùbá tone in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, and attendees were drawn from various sectors of society, from law to journalism to tech to economics. They each paid 5,000 naira to attend, although there were five free slots provided by the support we got from an anonymous donor as well as Capital Square, Lagos.

The idea to have such a class/workshop has been with us for a while, but it kicked into high gear this week when the suggestion on twitter was met with an overwhelmingly positive response. Tonemarking words/sentences in Yorùbá is one part of learning the language that most people have admitted having problems with. Yorùbá is a tone language, like Mandarin, Vietnamese, and a number of other world languages that use pitch variation to change the meaning of words. Famous examples in Yorùbá are the words ọkọ́ (hoe), ọkọ (husband), ọkọ̀ (vehicle), ọ̀kọ̀ (spear), which mean different things depending on the tone marks placed on the vowels.

Because of a declining interest in local language education in Nigeria, and the pervasive attitude among Nigerian elites that teaching and learning in English alone was desirable as a means to success, teaching Yorùbá (or Igbo, Hausa, and other Nigerian languages) had suffered, and nowhere more seriously with regards to Yorùbá than in the teaching of tonemarking, which is a cornerstone of the language. Even in natural language processing, overcoming the tone is always one of the first challenges to conquer before anything can be done (which explains our focus on, and work with, TTSYorùbá a few months ago).

When I was growing up in Ìbàdàn and reading literature in Yorùbá, it was never a normal thing to see a text written in the language without appropriate tone marks. Sure, people sometimes made mistakes in writing, but the default state of things whenever the language was presented in text paid respect to the work of scholars who had created a writing orthography. Occasionally in public, one came across signboards with poorly-written texts showing the writer wasn’t a Yorùbá-literate person, but official documents written in the language at least tried to comply with the writing rules. It seemed though, over the years, that an unwritten consensus was reached that formal rules be left to literatures-in-Yorùbá alone and spared from other platforms. So, over time, we started seeing more texts everywhere (in newspapers, signboards, movies, etc) which weren’t tonemarked at all, and subject to ambiguous interpretation.

This book, published in 1980, has hand-inserted tonemarking on the cover.

The result of this is a pernicious culture of nonchalance that eventually returned to consume the Yorùbá literary industry itself, but not before destroying African literature in general and messing up the work of the older generation of scholars who bequeathed the heritage in the first place. Today, not many books are published in the language. Those that are, needed a lot of resources to publish because software manufacturers haven’t created enough tools to write Yorùbá tones, so publishers are reluctant to make the effort to secure them. Eventually, the industry collapsed.  In the past, even when the relevant typefaces weren’t available to render tonemarked Yorùbá vowels, postproduction efforts were put in place to ensure that the books still properly rendered the language (see attached image). But over time, that willingness waned and took with it a chance for an industry to pressure technological corporations to create the tools needed for writing. It took the recent effort of our team, in 2015, by creating a free downloadable tonemarking software, to empower a new generation of writers intent on writing the language correctly.

But the problem doesn’t only affect the Yorùbá literary industry. As I’ve mentioned in previous places, sometimes while reviewing Nigerian literature in English, it is a shame to see a Yorùbá writer in English go to long lengths to cater to the writing systems of other languages whose words are used in his/her work but totally ignore it deals with Yorùbá.

I once asked Wọlé Ṣóyínká (Africa’s first Nobel Laureate) in person what, in his opinion, was the reason why writers-in-English of his generation didn’t care to properly tonemark Yorùbá words/names in their work. He didn’t have an answer. Instead, he asked me to read the preface to his latest play Alápatà Àpáta which, in truth, dealt with the subject in considerable detail, focusing on the playwright’s own angst at watching Yorùbá and non-Yorùbá actors mangle the pronunciation of simple Yorùbá names when they could pronounce even more complex European ones. But he never successfully defended why, over the years, none of his own earlier plays, published by the big and established publishers, had been consistent with the tone marking of character names and their lines. What I wanted to know was whether this was at the insistence of these publishers (many of which were led by either foreigners or Nigerians who were trained abroad) who wanted conformity with British standards or usually ignoring anything that didn’t feel English, or whether it was a result of nonchalance by the writers themselves, for not insisting (as some modern writers have – see Ayọ̀bámi Adébáyọ̀, etc) that this be done.

A couple of weeks ago, the Lagos State Government passed a law making it compulsory to learn Yorùbá in its schools. It was a brave step in the right direction and a return to focus on local language education as an equally important part of child upbringing. But years of neglect has decimated the teacher population for this language, many of whom have switched to other subjects. So, now that a demand exists, we are taking it upon ourselves to help train new people in filling the gap.

But these series of classes aren’t directed as intending teachers alone. Individuals around the country, first-time learners of Yorùbá, expats living in Lagos and are interested in learning the skill, tech professionals and other types of professionals interested in the language, will all benefit. Our aim is to ensure that the skill of tonemarking is restored to its pride of place in the learning and speaking of Yorùbá. No one can claim to be a good writer/reader of the language without being able to successfully tell the difference between Adésọ́lá and Adéṣọlá. No longer should we have to read ambiguous road signs because the writer couldn’t go through the pains of learning to write properly in the target language. By providing training opportunities of this nature for willing participants across the state and beyond, we hope to rejuvenate the language, provide educational opportunities for willing learners, and restore writing and reading in Yorùbá to a good place in this society.

A second workshop has been planned for April 6, 2018. It will hold at (and is supported by) Civic Hive, Yaba, Lagos. This one is free and open to all and you can register here. With sponsorship and support, we might be able to make this a regular monthly workshop for all interested participants at an affordable price – or for free. An online class is also being planned going forward. (So, if you would like to support us, send an email to us at We are glad for this opportunity to help educate the public and revitalize a language, but more importantly, we are excited that an appetite exists for this kind of intervention. Hackathon: The How and The What

As mentioned in the previous post, we would be holding the very first hackathon come April 8th. It is going to be from 12:00 to 5:30 at HotelsNG.

Registration is already open, so if you are a developer who works with Java/Spring or JavaScript/AngularJs, and you want to come hack with other developers, then you can register here.

In this post, I am going to share a very brief overview of how the day is going to look like and the issues we plan to hack on.

How: The Agenda

At exactly 12 noon we will open our doors for developers to start coming in. This would be followed by a welcoming talk, where we get to know each other a little bit, reiterate the idea behind the hackathon, pass across necessary information etc.

Then Abati Adewale, a developer advocate at Ingressive would give a talk centered around GitHub. Since the Yorùbá Names project carries out all its development on GitHub, starting the hackathon with a technical talk about GitHub seems like the right thing to do.

After that, I will give a short talk on the architecture of the codebase: how things stack together, the framework used etc. The aim would be to provide the basic information needed for the developers at the hackathon to start exploring the code base.

After this, developers will pair up, and dive into the codebase. This will see developers working on the issues that we have highlighted as the priority to be solved during the hackathon. The idea is to open as many pull request as possible, against the codebase, solving these issues before the end of the hackathon.

What: The Overview of issues to hack on

Even though participants would be free to go through the issues on GitHub and pick whichever they want to work on, we have created a list of issues we consider having a high priority and we wish to get resolved during the hackathon.

The list of issues is divided into two categories. Issues relating to the Dashboard and Issues relating to the Website App.

Find them below with respective links to the GitHub, where more details can be found.

Dashboard Website App
TTS customization

Turn media links to hypertext
Date Stamp

Geotag searching

Temp Lexicographer login
New entries to twitter

Blog body on homepage
Etymology breakdown

Things to delete
Completion indicator

Linkability between entries
Backend collaborations

Facebook commenting system
Famous people/link

Email confirmation of publishing
Offline upload issues

Protect contributor privacy
List by contributors

Name of the day


We will continue hacking till 5:30PM when finally we shall call it a day.

But that won’t be the end of it, as we hope after the hackathon, the participants would continue contributing code changes, bug fixes etc to the codebase.

As mentioned in Get Set for YorubaName’s First Hackathon, the Yorùbá Names Project has always been envisioned as a project to be driven by communal and collective effort. thus after the Hackathon, we hope to have more developers joining us on this journey of documenting all known Yoruba Names in an online dictionary.

You are a developer/designer, Not registered yet? Then do so using the registration form and join us for the Hackathon.

Get Set for YorubaName’s First Hackathon

On April 8th, 2018, would be hosting its first ever hackathon.

At its very onset, the Yorùbá Names Project has always been envisioned as a project to be driven by communal and collective effort. Which is not surprising since language and culture, are artifacts that are forged by the commons. Who owns a people’s culture? or a people’s language? Or a peoples volume of names, other than the people themselves?

If someone adds an entry to the site, a second person updated the etymology to correct an error, a third person updated the geolocation while a fifth person added links to famous people bearing that name: At the end of the day, who owns the content that was created by these 5 people? The simple answer is no one owns it, but at the same time, it belongs to all of them.

This is the reason why we have embraced an Open Source model for the development of the Yorùbá Names Project. So that it can belong to all. All codebase for the project is available on GitHub. All development is done in the open on GitHub. All issue tracking is also done on GitHub. Everybody and anybody are welcome to contribute code to the codebase.

If someone designs the look and feel of the YorubaName website, and another hacks together the CSS and HTML, while another puts together the backend code that powers the site, who owns this technical creation that powers the dictionary? Again, the simple answer is: it belongs to all.

That is the spirit of collaborative and communal development we have embraced with the project. The Hackathon, come April, is yet another expression of this communal approach.

It is going to be an event where we bring together developers/designers, and together, work on fixing issues and implementing some of the feature requests that have been noted down on GitHub.

It would be on April 8th, 2018, and would be hosted at HotelsNG. The address is No 3, Birrel Avenue, off Herbert Macaulay Way, Sabo, Yaba, Lagos. It will be from 12:00 noon to 5:30 pm, its going to be a time of coding, debugging, fixing issues, learning and interacting with other developers!

Registration is now opened, so if you plan to attend, please register by following the link

I would be providing more details, in the coming days, regarding various aspect of the Hackathon. Like the agenda, things to do to get prepared etc. So do keep an eye on this space, or better still follow me (@dadepo) and the YorubaName project(@YorubaName) on Twitter.